Fire Risk Assessment

Fire Risk Assessment For Fire Safety

Do you have a Fire Risk Assessment for your business premises or House in Multiple Occupation (HMO)?

Do people know the drill if a fire breaks out in your premises or rental properties?

And if the worse happens, and you’ve not followed the law, do you realise your insurance will be invalidated?

As an employer, if you have five on more people working for you, then you are legally obliged to have an annual Fire Risk Assessment.

Add to this, the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 requires a ‘responsible person’ to be appointed, whose role is to keep all ‘relevant persons’ on or in the immediate vicinity of their premises safe from fire – irrespective of whether or not they are employees.

Plus, if you are landlord of an HMO, the Fire Safety Act 2021 has now come into force, which effects premises with two or more domestic properties within a building.

Do you know which, if any, of these rules apply to you?

At Origin, we can guide you through fire safety law and put processes in place to ensure you are compliant and that you are able to keep your staff and anyone on the premises safe, should a fire break out.

To help you meet your duties under this legislation

And we’re there for you at annual renewal, to make sure your Fire Risk Assessment is up-to-date and fit for purpose. We offer:

  • Business owners with a premises-specific Fire Risk Assessment on their areas of operation.
  • Landlords with a premises-specific Fire Risk Assessment of any shared areas of owned buildings.
  • Landlords with a premises-specific Fire Risk Assessment of all shared areas and any occupied areas e.g., business areas or tenant areas in living domestic accommodation etc.
  • General advice and documentation on fire safety.
  • Support with the management of flammable or explosive materials used and stored on the premises.
  • Creation of emergency plan and procedures for managing fire safely.
  • Fire Warden Training.
  • Free no obligation chat.


If you would like any help and advice with fire safety for your premises, or properties that your rent, please get in touch.


We identify any fire safety hazards that could cause an incident and ensure they are recorded.


We work with you to identify which people could be at risk if a fire started.


We work with you to remove or reduce any areas of fire risk, as far as reasonably possible.


We can conduct a review, to see if any areas of the Fire Risk Assessment need updating.